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About Lipezard

  • Birthday 03/31/1992

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  1. Im selling this epic Togekiss Serene Grace Timid. Bid will start at 300k Bid will last 48hour (ending 2:30am forum time 29/03/2016) Taking Membership token at 150k Will not trade for other pokemon Insta is 1m
  2. [iGN: LipeZard] [Timezone: GMT-2]
  3. I am having the same problem , Tyranitar is not learning super power and my Weavile not learn ice punch !
  4. PRO Username: Lipezard Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Just update and install the new client and the problem exist What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to switch to other Pokemon that should learn the moves , the more they also do not learn . Description and Message move tutor super power and ice punch station not working for me, I tried to switch to another pokemon should also learn the moves , the more he does not learn .
  5. Lipezard

    Ecruteak's Ghosts

    1.Where are you from? Fortaleza (CE) 2. What's your favorite type and Pokémon? Fight, Infernape 3. What are your ambitions in PRO? Ter todos os pokemons épicos, competitivos a disposição na minha box xP 4. Do you have any friend in the guild? no 5. Why you should join us? Para poder compartilhar experiencia no cenário competitivo e poder ajudar a guild através meu amplo conhecimento dos games de pkm.
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