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  1. Went to Pinkan Island and asked the Ranger for permission into the forest and he asked for the fee and then let me in. So it appears everything is fine again, thank you for the help.
  2. Gave the Pinkan Island Ranger a level 90 Electabuzz and a level 90 Scyther and they both had max happiness, he also accepted both of them. Then, not even a minute has passed and the game crashes. Server was only down for less than 5 minutes. I login again and ask the Pinkan Island Ranger for access into the forest and he asks me for both of the pokemon again, which are now no longer in my pc or in my party. Is there a way to prove that I had both of these pokemon? Do I have to get another Electabuzz and Scyther and go through the whole process again?
  3. IGN: RavenReign Server: Silver Question: In the near future can we expect unique side quests and new areas with heavy requirements, but that are also very rewarding? Staff Team Directed To: Content Scripters/Mappers
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