Hi, first of all excuse my mediocre english x).
As I point in the title I feel like the ranked PvP got buggy since the reset. The last month I didn't get any of the two bugs that occured to me today.
Shortly after the reset I played a game to test a team and my opponent and me got stuck when he changed one of his pokemons ( the battle screen pop up got frozen and we both were waiting for ever, I had to end up leaving the battle and recieving the 10 minute ranked ban. That's a pretty bad bug if you are playing ranked and pushing.. ).
Then, a few minutes ago I had the bug where your first pokemon isn't the one u picked, althogh you see the one you picked, but when you use a move, it appears like another pokemon's move. That's clientside though, because the opponent doesn't see the pokemon you picked but the one that the game decided to be x). Weird.
Well, I'm not looking for any resolution for me, i'm just reporting that I didn't see those bugs in ranked before, it could ruin the ranked pvp in general. And I wanted to let you know.
Thanks and gl!