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  1. Wish they made a change log themselves.
  2. Close mate but not exactly what I am looking for.
  3. Prefer speed and spatk 25+ :Angel: :Heart:
  4. 150 Slaking
  5. Re: ✰ Polyxena's hunting service ✰ <t>♢ IGN: Marreco167<br/> ♢ Pokémon you want to have: Abra/Kadabra<br/> ♢ Nature: Timid<br/> ♢ Ability: Magic Guard<br/> ♢ IVs: spd 30+ , spatk 30+<br/> ♢ Gender: Any<br/> <br/> Pay very well for this one, good luck.</t>
  6. Yea I got the hidden ones, they do not respawn tho, right ? Oh okay, will check this out.
  7. Is the RC in veridian the only respawning candy ? I can not find any other candy in the game.
  8. Loading Map forever <r><SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>Description and Message<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><br/> <I><s></s><SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>PRO Username:<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Marreco167<br/> <SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>Do you have active membership?:<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Yes<br/> <SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>Your knowledge about PRO:<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE> Basic Knowledge<br/> <br/> <SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>What have you done before the problem was there?<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><br/> <I><s></s>Just arrived at Blane's town. Went to the Pokemon lab and got the issue.<e></e></I><br/> <br/> <SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>What have you already tried to solve the problem?<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><br/> <I><s></s>Re-log, reainstall, asked for support in discord.<e></e></I><br/> <br/> <SIZE size="120"><s></s><COLOR color="#d44528"><s></s><B><s></s>Description and Message<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><br/> <I><s></s>When I entered the pokemon lab this appeared:<br/> <br/> gyazo.com/ 3f69e7ecf713d1c3a1c771e57a81ce8a<br/> <br/> Since I was stuck I reloged, re installed, but every time I log in I see that screen.<e></e></I></I></r>
  9. Topic. Please post price and if possible IVs.
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