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  1. Pump, need help: force trade
  2. you win the sneasel
  3. @Halerquin hello~ you wil the sneasel 200k, contact me in game Techafa.
  4. Gible trade done
  5. @Joncar9would you kindly help with the trade? I cannot get contact with them in game. My id ingame is Techafa, Gible: [Poke73982617] and Sneasel:[Poke75839232]
  6. @Halerquin win the sneasel and @Hayoungie win the Gible contact me in game Techafa or DIscord Meafa#3587
  7. 2 hours left
  8. 25h left
  9. Gible c.o 2m by Lag621
  10. Each S.O : 100k End : 48h after first bid Min raise : 50k no insta ENDs after the last bid for 15mins
  11. Highly recommended! Amazing fast story service and good price~
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