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Everything posted by Slayr387

  1. Hello, My name is Matthew Shoenfelt, or Slayr387 in game. I am not new to the game, however I am new to the Forums. Let me start by giving you some information about myself. I am 21 years old, I live in North Carolina located in the United States. I have been playing Pokemon since the ripe old age of 5. Most of the time in game you can find me in the Trading Tab trying to wheel and deal. I am almost always standing on Route 12 EV Training all my Pokes! My favorite Pokemon in game is Dragonite, which I also have the pleasure of owning one. Can't wait to see you in game, Matthew Shoenfelt (Slayr387)
  2. Re: Hoenn <t>I'm going to have to go with Treecko. Mainly due to the fact that on Pokemon Emerald, Sceptile, can one hit any fire type with Razor Leaf. I have 69 Elite Four wins, 12 of those were solo'd just by him. He's an amazing Poke for sure. Can't wait to get to Lily Cove, and I really hope we get to at least see Latios and Latias.</t>
  3. Hello all, I have a near Epic Growlithe for sale! If interested please take a moment to place a bid on it. Minimum price for him is 30k. Other than that Best Offer shall take him. This sale shall only take place for no longer than 3 hours.
  4. Exact same thing is happening to me. I've made a new Paypal Account and is still isn't working. I'm in the process of terminating my card and ordering a new one. A big pain if you ask me.
  5. As you can see this girl is Adamant, with the Hidden Ability (Reckless) looking to get around the 80k mark. This guy here is completely standard. I'd like to get around the 50k mark. All prices are Negotiable, feel free to leave a comment!
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