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  1. So to anyone who has been to celadon mall you'll know that the vending machine gives you a lemonade for 300 soda pop for 250 and fresh water for 200. now while i was going to goldenrods vending machines i noticed that the prices were the same except for soda pop which is 350 a piece and i believe this to be a mistake as water heals 50 hp soda heals 60 and lemonade heals 80 so looking at those numbers why would anyone pay more for a less effective item here is a screenshot of the vending machine https://puu.sh/nSwus/681bce719a.png It's not a game breaking bug but having the proper pricing would be helpful thanks for your time.
  2. if you talk to the rock slide tutor he will ask you if you wish to learn rock slide if you select yes he will tell you it's 5k and that this is your last chance to back out of buying it. if you select no it still proceeds to charge you and initiate the move tutoring ps: can i have my 5k back :Frown:
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