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Everything posted by Darklives666

  1. U do realized its MMO right
  2. Ty i can move properly now xd
  3. Yes i still have problem with moving properly. How to fix it on phone?
  4. Today after my phone suddenly get reset on it own i re download pro. Now when i play it i cant move properly like when i go up suddenly go left or right, when i go down suddenly go left or right etc. Since i play on phone idk how to show this since screen record pretty much show nothing
  5. Start: 11m Min bid: 500k No insta 3 day auction start after 1st bid Payment method accepted RR =700k CC = 400k As it's a gold server auction, whoever wins the auction must come to pick up the pokemon in Gold Server.
  6. I already done the quest and get the stone after that i went to the summit and use escape rope and back to mega gengar place because i curious i go back there and lose all my 6 poke i thought its go back to pc so i go back to pokemon centre and check it but its gone
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