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Bartekmsb's Achievements



  1. Now is good thanks
  2. Wtf 196 hours play and one badge?
  3. Look
  4. The goodness of my pokemons which I had in the era came back, but for almost 200 hours of play I do not have anything in my backpack, I do not have cash and badges + further blocked pokemon
  5. After winning the fight, the friend is playing and I restarted after logging in, there was nothing, and what will happen now?
  6. I won with the boss and my pokemon disappeared, money disappeared, everything in my backpack disappeared, and I have blocked pokemon from johto and hoenn, my mounts also disappeared And no have rewards Bezpłatna usługa Google szybko przetłumaczy słowa, wyrażenia i strony internetowe z polskiego na ... Tłumacz Google
  7. I kill two boss love Island and no have items no have pokemon and Block pokemon johto and hoenn no have money and no have all items in bag!!! Silver server name bartekmsb
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