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  1. Hey, I really like the design of the mouse. Im still playing with a normal dell mouse. Not even a gaming mouse. It would be a big upgrade. IGN: Shaakh [highlight=red]Red[/highlight] server: Over 100 hours of playtime, defeated kanto league. Still trying to defeat Johto [highlight=yellow]Yellow[/highlight] server: Started yesterday, playing casual with some friends. 3 hours.
  2. Hey, me again. I would like a dragon scale (5k), a timid sync (10k) and the spirittomb (30k). I can move to you in kanto. Can't buy it atm, just started in Johto.
  3. Re: Lean's Shop - The cheapest prices in town! - Bid for Bonsly! <t>I would like to buy a King's Rock (10k). Currently I am in Kanto. I can move to where you are if it is in Kanto.</t>
  4. +1, totally agree with this.
  5. I guess it would be a good feature, have played most pokemon games and even I didn't know what to do sometimes
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