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  1. HI i would like to buy a crandios h.a naive with good stat same with Torchic jolly with ability blaze good stat. Offer me your price and ill add some cc if ‎necessary PM me from forum or Discord johnjung806#7632
  2. This post is now closed
  3. Sorry bout one a while ago
  4. i want to buy jolly or naive hidden ability cranidos. Discord: AngeHunt/johnjung806#7732 IGN: johnjung806
  5. Hello everyone today i would like to sell my Gible. 2m. Or You can offer me and we can negotiate Pm me on discord or reply to the post My Discord: AngeHunt/johnjung806#7732 IGN: Johnjung806
  6. Well okay “so friend or guild mate it's change nothing bugs will still here. It will be bring back only when that gonna be fix.” I did not quiet understand what this meant because of some grammatical errors but thank you for clearing that out for me
  7. Hi i was thinking if you guys could bring back the lending option as guild member or other players could lend pokemons to there friends. iv been trading and having to get em back And seems in the community people who have been doing lending service are having problems and for me i like to lend guild members my pokemons but because of the lending option being disable its been quiet hard for me to lend my friends or guild members pokemon. please fix this problem or bring the lending option if possible. i hope i can lend once more fast!
  8. If anyone has a Sassy or a Calm H.A Elgyem with decent stat please pm me on discord AngeHunt/johnjung806#7732
  9. i have not been offered yet. feel free to msg me if you need to
  10. yes timid or naive there both fine as long as decent hp ice
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