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About Kokas

  • Birthday 05/25/1996

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Kokas's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. "Who is this pokem.." oh.. wait its a digimon???? :confused: But hey there is a boss with ur name. So you must be realy important :Shocked: Glad u come back and hope u can stay this time. :Cool:
  2. Viridian maze tutor is not gone is moved. U need to do the lost pidgey mission and remove the rocket on the entrance. The tutor is behide him Okay, thanks! I'll have to look around and find whoever it's to start it Well, took the time to make u a litle tutorial So u talk to that kid to start the quest and enter the cave After that just follow the red arrows and on the blue spot theres a rocket. Fight him, he has a lvl 6 pidgey or something like that (dont remmember) And there is the tutor. Btw talk to the kid again to get 15 pokeballs for free
  3. Viridian maze tutor is not gone is moved. U need to do the lost pidgey mission and remove the rocket on the entrance. The tutor is behide him
  4. If interested pm here or ingame. Also leave ign here if im not online Can fix up the evs.
  5. I've found lot of chatots on route 38 (cant find that ferrowseed :Nervous:)
  6. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide (Added Giga Drain Tutor) <r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>will-o-wisp<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> is not in celadon. I belive the reason u made the mistake is because they sell <B><s></s>tm 61<e></e></B> in celadon, which in normal games is the <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>will-o-wisp<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> but in this game tm 61 is actually <GLOW glow="orange"><s>[glow=orange]</s>sunny day<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW>.<br/> <br/> So I belive that other tms only checked by their original number might be wrong to because they have diferent ids in PRO<br/> <br/> Hope u or someone can check if possible.</r>
  7. There was already people sugesting that type of ideas. Before u post anything check if there are similar posts. First of all, the blue server is realy recent and there is no plans to add a 3rd server for quite some time. Second, any priority queues will [glow=red]NEVER[/glow] be implemented. This information is from developers and admins who as far as i know also dont get any priority queue (correct me if wrong) Any more ideas are welcome but make sure if they havent been sugested.
  8. So first of all, all those question are already answered on forum. U just need to not be lazy and search for them here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=120 Super rod Olivine City 75.000 $ / U also need to have old and good rod to buy the super. Dratini and yes u need super rod to catch dratini. Ralts same link to dratini: #280 Ralts Route 34 (M/D/N) - Johto Five Isle Meadow (M/D/N) - Sevii Islands Route 102 (M/D/N) - Hoenn Love Island (D) - Custom Region Trainer's Valley (D) - Custom Region Get a free one after defeating Boss Deathwing in Seafoam B2F. Randomly, you could get Bagon or an item instead Hope it helped and next time search a bit more before ask. But dont be afraid to ask if u dont find what u want. :Cool:
  9. Dosnt take to long to ev train? I pick up a fresh pokemon low level and need 4 hours focused to max ev train and 1 hour watching videos and playing to lvl up to 100 Not complaining about the grind, but people pls be realistic ev train still a pain About the items ur suggesting, they will prob never be implemented, because this is a mmo and big part of it is the economy and the grind u need for it. All they are doing is for the best of the game, and u dont need to realize it but u have to trust the developers, cause they are doing an awesome job. If u want a cheesy game, u can always go back to the original pokemon games
  10. Servers are independent. U can create an account on blue server with no prob, however u will start all over again.
  11. 31 iv is overrated id prefer 31 on the att or spatt depending on pokemon and 25+ on others (expet the one i rejected before) Also speed is a relative stat, either u want max or none depending on the pokemon with few exeptions
  12. So everyting is full ev trainned and lvl 100 Add me ig or leave the comment here for me to add u ig all prices are negociable. Deliver anywhere on map instant 250k - sold instant 220k Auction - starts 250k (more to add)
  13. k ty for the info. I will post the report then
  14. First of all look the chat So, I'm not sure if i should report this or if there is any rule that prevents this type of scams Just to say for u to never belive this type of stuff
  15. Yup kinda weird :confused:
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