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  1. It's not as simple as not knowing how to log in, the first few days i played it worked fine, it's just now that i can only log in once a day. it doesn't just say the cannot connect message it also stops responding before it shows that and occasionally it'll just crash the game completely forcing me to load the client and see if the bug has stopped, it never has before.
  2. I can play the game once a day, if i close the game and then later try and play the game it'll stop responding once I've clicked the Login button, after a little bit of time the game will start to respond again and then say it "can not connect to server". This has happened 3 days in a row. Before those 3 days I had no issues. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, made firewall exceptions for the game and ran the game in a verity of mode with an array of settings. I'm running windows 10 (I've tried both clients for windows as well).
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