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  1. 3m3 wash
  2. Hello! I want to sell my pokes hope you want! Tyranitar = 2m4! NOT NEGO! Gliscor = 1m7! NOT NEGO! THANKS HOPE YOU WANT!
  3. Ok c'mon I start 1m8! auction .
  4. can i start 1m6? My friend?^^
  5. Hello, I want to buy some pokes if you have show the picture below and price it. Thanks! BUYING ALL! Conkeldurr 31SPD +20! ALL! (ADAMANT - GUTS) Scizor 31ATK +20! ALL! (ADAMANT - TECHNICHAN) Timid/Bold Volcarona +20 HP GROUND!
  6. Bro online in game now
  7. Later bro can't go online for now were busy gonna message you when im online thanks dude!
  8. You wasted my time lol, your in gold server :(. Sorry!
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