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Everything posted by Celem

  1. 750k for this scolipede is a scam offer. Really nice moderator ....... Martes be careful when you put a good pokemon on the forum. Some mederator can scam you !
  2. I got this loadding for 10 min when i load a new map. it's unplayable !!!!!!
  3. Jolteon is a special sweeper and your has only 15 att.s .... Salamence needs balance ivs if you want to use moxie in pvp .... fire blast with 167 att.s ???? this set is trash.
  4. Your pokemon are trash .... hasty aerodactyl, salamance 4 hp ....
  5. I m sorry but I try to defend me because it s unfair ^^ You will do the same thing instead of me. I can't believe that. Really unlucky ...
  6. The rules are with him but it s obvious. I can't connect to the server to finalize my auction lol tell me what can I do if the server is down ?
  7. Just guess instead of me. It's really unfair lol because the server is down i can't make my auction and this guy take the advantage of that
  8. He doesn't respect me and he doesnt respect sellers in general !!!!!
  9. There won't any problem if the server was stable. I would sell my poke to the best seller and it s not Fogy ........
  10. I m not frustrated. it's just unfair due toe the exceptionnal server situation. I m sorry for my english by advance.
  11. It s not the same thing when u sell your pokemon here and when you sell your pokemon ingame. That s why each seller prefer to finalize his auction in the game. It s more easier. HE WAS JUST IMPOSSIBLE TO DO THAT DUE TO THE SERVER in the proper time.
  12. Can you just admit that " he was impossible to make the auction on the game today ?"
  13. He just uses the rules in this advantage because the server was down and it s easy for him to say that. If the server havent any problem. I will sell this pokemon at his real price. I am just unlucky it happens today. It distursb my auction.
  14. I can't make a proper auction because the server was down. Everybody knows this pokemon is not worth for 2m and that's why thsi FOGGGYYYY doesnt want make a real auction. He tries to take an advantage from this problem of the server. He would like to have this pokemon for only 2m. The goal when u sell is to earn money. It' s logic. You do it too. You are hypocritical. You want to I give my pokemon for free. I can't make a proper auction and it's unfair for the seller. Guess instaed of me and you will undertsand it s unfair. Why he doesnt want, i do 10 min auction in extra ? Explain me why ? maybe because he tries to scam me :)))))))
  15. Hi Larffleeze, I am unlucky because I can't make the auction on the game. Do I have to sell him to this scammer ? Why he doesnt want to let me just 10 min in auction ? It would be fair due to the problem of the server. It's my first time, I am selling a pokemon like that and I am unlucky because the server is down during the auction. It disturbs everybody. Your decision is unfair. I can't make a proper auction because the server is down.
  16. My auction bid is placed less than 15 min when I connect to the server. I let 10 minutes. Is it good ?
  17. The rules are different when the server is down. It s obvious because the impact is negative on the auction. The seller can't sell that properly. You are just scamming me. You try to take an advantage from the problem of the server. You are disinguenous when you say "the server has any problem today." I am connected to the official discord.
  18. 1) The impact is very important if I can't inform when the auction is over because people can't be wait the last moment to bid. That's why, the problem of the server today prevent me to make a good auction. I will close the auction on the game and not on the forum.
  19. I am connected right now. The server is up. The auction will be over in 10 min.
  20. Yes he is available but I have some issues to connect to the server.
  21. Due to the server is down, the auction will resume when the server will be stable.
  22. What do u want to pay with ur coin ? I accept only nature reroll ticket or iv reroll ticket.
  23. insta of bisharp is 2m5
  24. no thanks
  25. no sorry
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