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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Solo24"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure mate... btw the shop is reopened.<br/> Like da last time each non ani sig will be 50k and animated will be 100k.</r>
  2. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/b28m3zM.png"><s></e></IMG> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/2qAAm2j.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> 2 new ones :P</r>
  3. k.. tomorrow >_>
  4. Okie Foxyzz here'z ma submission, :Angel:
  5. wow nice one man3
  6. https://i.imgur.com/4lUpzxc.png sold snorlax for 900k :Exclam:
  7. wtb any ivs abra with synchromize abi nd nold nature
  8. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame! (recruiting on both servers) <t>Happy birthday Faddie <3</t>
  9. c.o 500k by mawtygaming ingame. lf more INstant 1m
  10. Hohoh it's Kanto Friend Combusken bruh not Kanto fried Aero :P
  11. [glow=black]SHINY SHOWCASE[/glow] [glow=red]Politoed and Zubat OT NFT Rest Shinies NFT too[/glow] [glow=black]RULES[/glow] • Don't ask me any price cuz the c.o will be written below. • There will be a starting bidding price for each poke. • Not everything is for ''Sale'', no ''Refunds'' • I accept the following in-game currencies besides cash: MS = 150k, RC = 15k, and direct 100coins = 200k. • I might trade for rare shinies or comp. pokes. • After you win a poke, i'll send you a forum PM • You can pm me with a reasonable instant too. [glow=black]POKES FOR SALE[/glow] [glow=black]OFFERS AND INSTANTS ON POKES[/glow] • Snorlax [EPIC] : c.o 500k by Mawtygaming / Instant: 1m • Shuckle [EPIC] : c.o none / Instant: 500k (or 400k at min) • Frillish : c.o none / Instant: 250k • Spheal [TANK]: c.o 100k / Instant: 150k • Lapras (Adamant) : Instant: 100k Dragon dance physical sweeper • Lapras (Lonely): Instant: 50k [glow=black]TRANSACTIONS[/glow] [glow=black]THANKS FOR VISITING :thanks:[/glow]
  12. Re: Wts Shiny tauros <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> <CENTER><s> </s><IMG src=" https://img.prntscr.com/img?url=https://i.imgur.com/oYeMVNi.png"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  13. Re: Wts Shiny tauros <t>and on a side note: Cp,olman,td,and psy only have shiny tauros atm and maybe 1 to 2 more guys.<br/> Tauros and Pikachu are of same rarity and in comparision to shiny pikas found it's like 1:10 ratio lol, i don't see a problem of him setting that price and on a side note flaming other uses trade post is disliked by the topic owner and the other posters itself.</t>
  14. Welcome to PRO ^^
  15. Last pig was 4m and rose 2m
  16. 20k each on gloom and weezing
  17. Re: wts shiny squirtle <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE> .-.</r>
  18. Re: wts shiny squirtle <t>c.o is 8m in game lel</t>
  19. Venusaur and Politoad are missing.
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