Last night/yesterday i spent a good 4 hours hunting Makuhita. I finally found a Thick fat, adamant with 31 sp, 29 att and plus 20 in all iv's except spA. I did a bit of ev training and then put it in my PC.
fast forward to about 2 hours ago. I was deleting trash pokemon out of my PC when the server started to get desynced and began to crash. i was deleting bellsprouts..
server goes down. i log back in and think nothing of it.. continue to EV train. I decide to work on my new makuhita and its no where to be found.. obviously got deleted in the messy desync before the server went down.. but i have no "proof" because the chat log wipes after it goes down.. really frustrating. I doubt theres anything that can be done but was bothered enough to make this post anyway haha. thanks for taking the time to read through.