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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Worked, thanks
  2. Hey ho Someone from the guild just got his Victini and taught it Celebrate via the NPC in Vulcan Fair Registration Center. Another one did it aswell, but a 3rd one and me, we can't to that. At first we thought it's maybe a bug with the form, so I changed it to normal one, but still can't teach it Celebrate. As you can see, it's not because I don't have enough money to do that and it hasn't the move right now. Would be nice if this is fixable within the last few days of the event.
  3. As the title says. Stats don't matter, Ada/Jolly would be nice, but in the end, the nature also doesn't matter
  4. Would be really nice
  5. Released by accident (requested already, marked as done, but not in my pc) Name: Zwirrfinst Server: Silver ID: 94772656
  6. Sadly no. Even if he would start the quest, if there is no outbreak with Woolo, Skwovet and Falinks, you can't do the quest
  7. Please?
  8. Since I love doing dungeons: + for every improvement, but your numbers are maybe a little bit high, even though we can do it only 1x per day (if not using invitations). Experienced players do Lavender dungeon in around 15minutes with all rooms and yeah... As I said, the numbers are maybe a little high, but I would not be unhappy if they would change the rewards like this
  9. Hey ho, it's almost 3 years ago since we had the chance to catch 1 of them and it would be nice if you could enable the quest again, so newer player or player who hadn't the chance to catch it in these 2 or 3 days could catch them. It would be even better if you could release the Intrepid Sword and Dauntless Shield then too. Since both are banend in PvP, it wouldn't have an impact on that, but we could have fun with them in PvE. Cheers
  10. Released by accident Zwirrfinst Silver 94772656
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