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  1. buying good iv + good nature avalugg. Name your price :)
  2. Player name: Xise Showdown name: Luv Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 8
  3. it has been almost a week now [uSER=2048400]@Madboielle[/uSER] .. whats the progress? I've accomplished the task of being top 25 and I'd like to have access to tutor heav so I can get the correct tm. Whats going on?
  4. I was #8 in pvp ladder last season, now I cannot access tutor heaven please help. TY
  5. You did not specify the pokemons nature all you said was selling mantine calm. So I placed an offer on it. Then I went on your forum and realized it was swift swim so I put down my offer. NOw we are going back to square one. Good try bud.
  6. You bring out all the SS you have and put it on the table. I don't deal with blackmail. If you have the convo bring it out. Make sure it has to do with this post and not trades that I refused to have with you because of the person who outbid me. You told me to make it official I must post on forums. I did. I am done with this post. Have fun and I will never buy your mantine or any pokemon from you. Take care :)
  7. never called you stupid or a fake bidder. the only person I called a fake bidder is the one who gave you false information. Their must be a language barrier here because you are now making false accusations. I'm done with this conversation. Have a good day sir and I apologize that all this is happening to your bid/post
  8. ok now you are taking someones picture and claiming it is your own. That picture is from another guy who was selling mantine and I wanted to buy right away but he never got back to me for whatever reason. Then says "fake bid." How is that a fake bid? I have no clue. #2 I posted on forums to make it official right? Its alright I will answer for you. Yes I posted 900k to make it official and what did I tell you? I love how you leave little details out. I told you if someone bids higher than me I am out. Correct? Once you claimed that I was outbidded I want elsewhere and bought another mantine. Now I cannot afford yours. Since you cannot sell your swift swim mantine you want to force it upon me right? Are you playing with the mod? You guys best buds? Why is it that he is always assigned to your case? Hmm.. I never used the word stupid. I just said if you have someone outbidding me why does it hold me accountable for him falsely claiming to buy your poke. Logic.
  9. I am going to bring this case to someone who is above him to resolve this issue. You can clearly see the flaw in this system. Either the seller of this pokemon and the moderator assigned to this dilemma are conspiring with each other or the Moderator doesn't see who is really at fault. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. The mod has also not directed me to a higher power and has not answered my question. This should not be happening to a member of a game who not only donates but also wants a just outcome. I think we need mods who are sympathetic and honorable. Not just mods who want to exercise their power any chance they get with BAN here BAN there. Time for a change.
  10. Thank you for your input :) Its not looking good for this mod at all. He is holding on to his pride and I will expose that.
  11. I am withdrawing regardless. Can you tell me in detail what my punishment will be? I would also like to be directed to a higher power than you please and thank you.
  12. I cannot afford the mantine now because I have bought another mantine. You shouldn't punish me for buying another pokemon because I lost the bidding. Your punishment should be with the person who broke the agreement. #2 the owner of the mantine neither loses or wins anything. You can easily tell him to do another bid since it was corrupted. Now is this just mr. mod ? If not I will take this to a higher power. I invested to much time and money in this game to just be banned . If it is not resolved here then I will take it to legal grounds because as you know virtual time spent in game can come to court of law. I think this is unjust on your part to ban me when I now do not have the money to buy the mantine. Let me know what you will do and I will do my part.
  13. Finally a man with brains and logical thinking. Thank you for your input, I appreciate you standing up for what is right. God bless you.
  14. I would have bought but you decided to ignore me. I have already bought another mantine. I don't understand how this is constructive when you didn't even answer me.. I bought another mantine already and don't have the money to buy yours but if you hold on to it and still have it I may save up for it.
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