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  1. Guys, gible insta sold to justbillionare. I wanna thank all the participants of the auction, and see u next time. Topic can be closed.
  2. I'm really sorry about what happened, Hawlucha. I'll pay attention to that in other possible auctions. As u want, min bid will be 1m. And thanks for the advertisement.
  3. Auction started. B.O 15m from nhoxvip555555. Auction finishes at 09/17/2020 00:37 (GMT-3).
  4. Hello guys, I'm here to sell this shiny gible, so I'm gonna make an auction. Rules are: - Auction goes 48 hours from the first offer, or if insta price; - S.O: 15m; Insta: 30m - Accept cc's (400k); iv rerolls (700k) as payment methods; - Any fake offers will be reported. That's it guys, wish good luck.
  5. Auction has ended. Winner is Rkrishnan77 with 1.3m offer. Ty all participants. Winner may contact me ingame, nick: Lucasaman6
  6. 10 min. We still have time for offers.
  7. Last hour. I got a problem in my pc and cannot connect. But as soon as i can I will be communicating on trade chat. When finish, gonna say here.
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