you're so generous Shane cheers to that!
im from the philippines.
my favorite pokemon is snorlax! that dude is extremely strong as shown in the anime where it easily defeated ash's bulba and squirtle and making use of lickitung's tongue as a napkin while eating fruits hahaha it also helped ash defeat most of gary's pokes in the league such as nidoqueen and arcanine. in game snorlax is a beast as it can take a lot of punishment and retaliate with a strong attack as well. plus i love cats alot and snorlax is really cute hehehe.
i want that gaming headset because i would be able to use that while playing dota and other games specially in playing battlefield and call of duty. that headset can be used as well while watching movies privately(if you know what i mean hehe)
why dont we just be thankful guys at least we could see progress and upgrades from time to time. let be thankful and at least appreciate the efforts of the staff of this game thanks
it happens to me as well its not only the fonts but the battle interface as well is blocky or extremely pixelated, i have the 64 bit version. please help
thanks for the reply, i already downloade the latest client which i think is .90 but this is what the game shows, i already tried the options menu with no success. any one please help. sorry its version .89 :D
thanks for the reply, i already downloade the latest client which i think is .90 but this is what the game shows, i already tried the options menu with no success. any one please help.
hello everyone, had anyone of you encountered something like this? i've been playing since yesterday and everything is fine but when i logged in today this is what happened.
any help is very appreciated