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Everything posted by Degoma

  1. Degoma

    Ǥods And Ƙarps

    IGN: Degoma Hours played : 197 hours :) Like helping other players ? Yeah , I really like to help people in need with information and anything else that people need. Why should i be in your guild ? I have no doubt that the Magikarp splash of power will dominate the world and I want to learn to use it with you Doggy.
  2. Game Master Deahtwing, I am in game actually.
  3. I play in the Red Server and I am in the 8th gym of Kanto.
  4. Yes I tried everything and I still stuck :/ So can you just teleport me to the pokecenter or Something to unstuck me please. I love this game and I defeat Giovanni and I don't want to delete this marvellous game. I will thanks you sincerly :)
  5. Yes I Re-Logging and I delete the game and Re-Downloading but i still in the bug.
  6. Dear Developers, I'm in a bug. I press all my command for move but my character don't move. I can write change my pokemon of position but I can't move. I'm in the 8th gym so i can't battle someone to get teleport to the pokecenter and I don't have any escape rope. So can make Something like teleport me to the pokecenter pls, I will thank you.
  7. Can someone help me please :Frown:
  8. The server sent there would be a reboot so I disconnected and when I reconnect after reboot I am stuck and when I try to move my character, he turns to the direction indicated but remain stuck on site. If you can resolve my problem by a teleport to the pokecenter, I thanks you.
  9. Yes, I closed my client and I redownload PRO but I still stuck. So you can just teleported my caracter to the pokecenter pls ?
  10. Windypuff, That's ideas would have worked but I can not battle against people because I'm in the 8th gym and again I haven't escape rope. So what do you advice me ?
  11. PRO Username: Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? I just disconnected. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to reconnect. Description and Message The server sent there would be a reboot so I disconnected and when I reconnect after reboot I am stuck and when I try to move my character, he turns to the direction indicated but remain stuck on site. If you can resolve my problem, I thanks you
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