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Everything posted by Garurumonx

  1. winner by 750k. pm me in game
  2. 5hrs left. Co 750k
  3. Up. Still co 750k
  4. C.o 750k last 24hrs
  5. up, last 2 days
  6. u have to bid to start.
  7. Auction time : 4 days, (starts when someone bids) Bid Starts at 400k Inta. 2M 100k raise per bid. ps. I have the right to cancel or pause the auction in case of any problem that may occur during the auction. I accept CC = 300k, RC= 5k, SMS= 150k, BMS 130k May the auction god be with you, happy bidding..
  8. Auction Close Tanktop is the winner. waiting for trades. 2mil
  9. tanktop u ingame now?
  10. last 5 mins to beat tanktops offer. after that tank top will win. see u in game..
  11. 1.7 by tanktop. 40mins left.... u can pm me in game or discord HunterX#6564
  12. 2hrs left. c.o 1.55m by Taylorswift u can msg me in game or discord #6465 or post here. tnx
  13. 8 hrs to go. c.o 1.45m by tanktop just leave ur bids and well see whose the winner
  14. OKey. Auction starts now. with 700k
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