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Everything posted by Deidara8

  1. Re: Dizzi & Surix's Pokemon Abuse Center Now Open!!!!!! <3 <t>IGN: DizziSuHu<br/> Pokemon: Shroomish<br/> Current Level: 51<br/> Final Level: 100<br/> Shall we evolve for you?: (If yes, at what level(s)?) Yes, at level 100.<br/> Shall we EV train for you?: (If yes, what EVs?) Yes, 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp<br/> Rush order?: Take your time<br/> <br/> Pokemon: Growlithe<br/> Current Level: 38<br/> Final Level: 100<br/> Shall we evolve for you?: (If yes, at what level(s)?) No. I will evolve it myself with a firestone. <br/> Shall we EV train for you?: (If yes, what EVs?) No.<br/> Rush order?: Take your time</t>
  2. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><CENTER><s> </s>Update**<br/> Adding another seller<br/> Name of seller: <GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s>jaeco<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> Wish list: Pokedollars<br/> Pokemons for Sale: <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  3. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="leolawliet"><s> </e></QUOTE> Not at the moment.<br/> Please go ahead and offer.</r>
  4. Welcome to PRO. If you need a hand, feel free to PM me in game and I'll be glad to help.
  5. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><CENTER><s> </s>Another huge update!!<br/> Added another seller named <I><s></s>Walrosskastanie<e></e></I>.<br/> Also adding another Pokemon to be displayed in the showcase!<br/> Go take a look!<e> </e></CENTER></r>
  6. Nah. You can't get shiny starters from Professor Oak. However, you can get shiny starters (e.g. Charmander, Squirtle, etc...), by encountering them in the wild.
  7. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><CENTER><s> </s>Huge <B><s></s>UPDATE!<e></e></B><br/> **Added another seller, who is from our guild. He is known as: <I><s></s>Sangkujung<e></e></I><br/> Adding up a bunch of pokes that is useful for PVP so, for those of you PVP battlers out there, go check it out! <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  8. The results will be announced in a few hours.!
  9. Based on my knowledge, there is not a single Malaysian guild at the moment. However, feel free to browse around the guild pages and seek which one suits you the most. I hope this helps.
  10. Welcome to the game, my fellow Korean.
  11. Just to clarify* "You cant vote for yourself/own guild" ^Means that you cant vote your OWN GUILD for the best guild. (Cus bias will def be strong in this one :P) You are allowed to vote your guildmates. Thanks.
  12. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> Minimum BO for Excadrill is 350,000.</r>
  13. During the first few seconds of the battle, most people attempt to either: 1. Set up hazards (e.g. Fortress, Skarmony, etc) 2. Use stat boosting moves (e.g. Scizor's Sword Dance, Cloyster's Shell Smash) in order to sweep out the entire team Btw, there is a legendary pokemon available (e.g. Mew) Although, it's not that often used in battle.
  14. Yeah Altaria needs cotton guard :>
  15. In case you didn't know, if you click the wrench button you can bookmark or [glow=green]bump[/glow] your post :) Thanks for letting me know :Grin:
  16. Thank you. I'll quote you whenever someone ask me about it. Smell ya later.
  17. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> @Typhoeus will respond to you once he goes online</r>
  18. welcome to pro :) if you need a hand in game feel free to hit me up!
  19. Re: Shiny Addy Onix, bo 235k <t>If it's an auction, you gotta have a time limit lol.</t>
  20. Bump bump bump! SuHu for the most attractive male!!! (....just kidding.. :Shy: )
  21. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="Hanuro"><s> </e></QUOTE> No worries. Thank you for stopping by!</r>
  22. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><CENTER><s> </s><QUOTE author="Hanuro"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello. The froslass would cost above 300,000.<br/> On a side note, Typhoeus has successfully made transaction with Grimjow.<br/> Thank you for shopping with us.<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Inad6HZ.png"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  23. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="Handbremse"><s> </e></QUOTE> Congratulations, the auction for the adamant snorlax is now closed, meaning that you have won the bid.<br/> Please PM Theosis in game to collect your pokemon.</r>
  24. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="SuHu"><s> </e></QUOTE><e></e></QUOTE> You have won the auction. Please PM Theosis in game to claim your pokemon.</r>
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