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  1. sweet thanks
  2. Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <t>IGN: Shuura<br/> The reason why you want the switch: why not ? :p It's been a while since i bought a new console like 6 year. That's the reason why i want to get this switch.<br/> <br/> Good luck everyone</t>
  3. Re: [FR]・゚✧ Revenge Killer Hunt ✧・゚ —⎪・Guilde Disaster・⎪ <t>Je ne sais pas si je serai très dispo pour cet eve' à cause des révisions de DE mais je dis oui pour le moment :)</t>
  4. Nickname: Shuura Why this Switch would be in your lovely hands: why not ? :p
  5. Re: [FR] ✧・゚*・゚ Guilde Disaster ・゚*・゚✧ ⎪・Ralliez-vous au Chaos・⎪Recrute de nouveau ! <r>Bumperino <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. good guide :y: Jenny gave me water stone
  7. Which server are you playing on? playing on the red one
  8. Yep i'm also stuck but next to burmy poke ._. i also made a topic without knowing you did :
  9. As the title says, i'm stuck in the disturbed conscience can a moderator help me get out of there ? I got stuck there after i stepped in the last bridge before seeing steven. Thanks
  10. BUMP :Exclam:
  11. Good luck Shelia and Daen :) even tho i'm in in ur guild lol
  12. </SIZE> Starting price: [glow=red]400k[/glow] <i></i> Starting price: [glow=red]make an offer[/glow] <i></i> forgot to mention, it's an epic fail :Frown: <SIZE size="85">buy it for your fail collection ! I'll end the auction 48h after the first offer. Also don't troll around or fake offer. Good luck
  13. Re: wts 3 nice shellders, 2 left <r><QUOTE author="TzRekJad"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me in game whenever ur ready<e> </e></QUOTE> ok</r>
  14. Re: wts 3 nice shellders, 2 left <t>200k first one</t>
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