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About Fippsie

  • Birthday 03/04/1993

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Fippsie's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. I'm a tree
  2. you have to do it like this ] URL [/img without the spaces
  3. Nice tutorial :Shy: There's many tutorials on Deviantart, too. Like >this one< :)
  4. Fippsie

    My Maps

    I love the making of gif! <3
  5. Hey, thanks for the idea! I added my discord name to the post. :) it's Fippsie#2542
  6. Heya. I'm a moron and gave away everything I have when I "left" the game.. Now I'm bored and want to start over.. :p So I'm reopening my signature shop. [glow=#e15e72] Introduction and Information [/glow] [glow=#e15e72] Basic Text and Picture - 75k [/glow] [glow=#e15e72] Advanced Picture and Text - 150k [/glow] [glow=#e15e72] Animated Signature - 200k [/glow] [glow=#e15e72] Past Buyers [/glow] [glow=#e15e72] Thank you! [/glow] my discord name if you want to contact me there: Fippsie#2542
  7. this is still my favorite shop. :)
  8. :Heart: Higana and Fippsie both is me, seeing that you still have these makes me smileee. :Angel: :Heart-eyes:
  9. darn! I was thinking about coming back.. but seeing all my old friends leave makes me believe I shouldnt :(
  10. all done! Gave away a bunch of PVP pokemon.. one of the best pvp roserades on the server.. a shiny camerupt and more than 1.000.000$ ! Hope you all enjoyed your time. Have a great time in PRO and goodbye. :)
  11. Yo. I'm not playing the game anymore, so I thought I'd give away all my good Pokemon. Feel free to log on and if you're lucky you get something, too. Im posting the city in all chat. /edit all done! Gave away a bunch of PVP pokemon.. one of the best pvp roserades on the server.. a shiny camerupt and more than 1.000.000$ ! Hope you all enjoyed your time. Have a great time in PRO and goodbye. :)
  12. I should win this because I'm a cheapskate
  13. glad you like them. :Shy:
  14. THANK YOU~ :Heart: :Heart:
  15. Oh god it's my favorite song in the entire game but I just can't find the title either. Hope someone knows. :Heart:
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