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About Mrspoox

  • Birthday 01/16/1996

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  1. Mrspoox

    Cinnabar [Red]

    IGN : MrSpoox Hours : 90+ Reason : I wanna be the very best with the very besties ! :Heart: :Heart:
  2. My Favorite Poke is Gengar. And id like the Headset cause i dont have headset and id like to have one. No money, :Shocked: :Shocked:
  3. I hope you recover fast. I ll always love you Senpai :Heart: . even if you never noticed me :Frown: . Have fun in your rest of your life and thanks for beeing an amazing Staff member and mostly a great person Ill miss you buddy
  4. i think its ok for not showing the Hp it makes the battle more ecxiting. If you are going to show hp in battle do it only in PvE and not in PvP.
  5. I would say that is possibly bug. There are happening a lot of weird staff around thats why the game is still in Beta right ? Expect the unexpected
  6. you donate to support the server and they give you something back like xp boost and poke dollars boost. I think that is enough. Its not Pay to win game. Is train to win.
  7. I havent noticed those problems. I also suggest you to Re-Install your Client if its still happening talk with some Admin. Thank you for your time Sorry for Possible English mistakes Sincerelly Mr Spox
  8. Sounds cool but i dont like the idea --> And also winning team has to win something like a reward money or random prize from items common or rare to pokemons Sorry for Possible English mistakes Thank you for your time :Heart: Sincerelly Mr Spox
  9. Sorry for posting in wrong category. Windy :Heart:
  10. I can feel the struggle :Cry:
  11. Since noone was able to help me I will say it was possibly a bug and ill move on. Sorry for possible English mistakes Thank you from your time Kind Trainer Sincerelly Mr Spox
  12. PRO Username: MrSpoox Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message GoodEvening Poke masters I was away from the game for 2 days. Finally today i had free time to play PRO. When i loged in everything was ok expect my poke's Happy rate. Sudently it drop from full to very low and i coudent use some HMs. I just want to know if this suppose to happent or it was some kind of bug. I really like the game so far and im not from those who beeing mad and start insulting the developers. Sorry for Possible English mistakes Thank you from your time Kind Trainer Sincerelly Mr Spox
  13. Thats a suggestion not a problem.
  14. You gain experience buy playing the game and knowing it better. I dont think that will make any impact in the game.
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