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Everything posted by Jondonson

  1. I'm looking for a guild/community where i can just chat/hang out/hunt or train together. I'm mainly a PvE player and try to play as much as i can on my free days or after work. I have 280 ingame hours and completed all 4 main region. Feel free to PM me on forum, in game or on discord! IGN: Jondonson Discord: Jondonson#7311
  2. What's your IGN? Jondonson Please post a picture of your trainer card! https://ibb.co/JsL4TYY What is your discord ID? JonDonson#7311 How far are you in story? Done all 4 regions How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) on my free days and quick sessions after work Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? 95% PvE Have you ever been banned in game and why? I got banned for trying to sell my account once back in the red server days but this account is completely clean and i want to keep it that way Why do you want to join Calamity guild? Looking for a place to chill a bit while hunting/training
  3. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? JonDonson 2. Number of hours played? 65h 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Swablu 4. What country are you from? Belgium 5. How old are you? 23 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) August 9th
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