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About Isaaclopez4410

  • Birthday 10/05/1998

Personal Information

  • Career
    Office Manager
  • Occupation
    Office Manager

Isaaclopez4410's Achievements



  1. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="IsaacLopez4410"><s> </e></QUOTE> I can try :) what kinda background I can do artwork not just photos and stuff :)?<e> </e></QUOTE> If you can do like a mountain background with absol on the top thatd be great<e> </e></QUOTE> I will try to find a time to pay you, every time im on youre not XD, not trying to avoid payment but i will try to find you sometime!</r>
  2. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="happymoonwolf"><s> </e></QUOTE> With what name :)<e> </e></QUOTE> If you could just put Isaac Lopez thatd be just fine</r>
  3. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="happymoonwolf"><s> </e></QUOTE> I can try :) what kinda background I can do artwork not just photos and stuff :)?<e> </e></QUOTE> If you can do like a mountain background with absol on the top thatd be great</r>
  4. Re: Offering animated signatures :3 10k each <t>If you could make one with an absol id love you forever :)</t>
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