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  1. Vthxn

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Vthxn 2. Number of hours played? 592 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Rampardos 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Hunting, bossing and making money :) soon to be PvP. 5. How old are you? (Optional) 19 ******I was in new leaf this time last year but had to stop playing the game due to being overwhelmed by work.***
  2. closed due to low interest
  3. Vthxn

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Vthxn 2. Number of hours played? 453hrs 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? tough, gotta say heracross 4. How old are you? (Optional) 18 :)
  4. nice bisharp ivs adamant level 100, ev trained auction begins at 300k, 50k outbids 30 MINUTE AUCTION ends 30 mins after first bid. reply bids.
  5. if the server is locked it means that no one can go on it bar some admins and devs, they should bring it back up soon enough
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