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Everything posted by Ricardo21

  1. Man, this always happens to me, when u see a logging in... just wait coz almost the times the queue doesnt show, its invisible but its there, u just need to wait and u will be playing in 20 min +/- Just be Patient :Grin:
  2. Hello guys, i'm newbie in this game but i will give some ideas that i have! 1 - Shiny! Pokemons are harder to find and take a lot of time and luck to find them, for me, its completely frustrating to see the low ivs and u can't use it, i know shinies in the original game only have the color to differentiate, but come on, this is not the original game, my idea is to give something to them, shiny is the real hype, they are really especial :Heart-eyes: maybe give them always 2 random 31 ivs stats or make them always a minimum of 15 ivs each atk, def, hp, spatk, spd, spdef! 2 - Releases! I would like to release a pokemon in the wild just when i caught it, i like to hunt pokemons for good ivs, but every time i need to go to cp to see what i've got, i would like to release a pokemon in my actual party coz i like to go hunt with 5 pokemon, then i go hunt a pokemon that i want and when i caught it, he will show up to me instantly in my party and i can check the ivs, with the release option i can throw it away and try a new one without goig cp, without catching 5, 10, or more pokes to go cp and not waste a thousand pokeballs on them to check them after! 3 - Fly Service! If the game has no fly, why not implement a npc in SOME cities, a npc with pidgeots around that can take you for any city u want for some cash? that's it, guys, the staff could think a better way to implement or modify the ideas, but its just my ideas, dont take it too serious :Grin: :thanks:
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