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Everything posted by Andymcnab

  1. double battles would be a great thing to add! specially if we could battle 2vs2 pvp, like for fun or even tournaments where you can battle along a friend and create strategies, etc... +1 to most of them
  2. thank you for the guide, looks clean and organized! one thing though, it would be awesome if you could add the level of the pkmns :). thank you for the guide! :D
  3. I like the idea! GTS or even like the friend code system, you add a friend by his/her name when he/she is connected you can go to a Link Room at any pokemon center and send your friend a trading request at the other server. If the player wants to use his same character in the other server, the game could make him disconnect from the first server, so there is no "cheating" +1!!!!!! :Grin:
  4. give them some time. they will launch the server when is ready, I don't mind waiting a little bit longer as long as they release a good product :P. don't worry they will launch it soon! :Shy:
  5. thank you for your greetings! :D I'll read the fórum rules as well as the game rules, but I can imagine they are much the same as other communities, hehehe :P
  6. maybe when the game is out of beta stage, they might start working on Kalos, who knows... but I understand their argument, adding a new region must be a lot of work traslating from 3d to 2d, even the pokemons from 6th gen might be hard to translate to 2d... oh well, there is always that chance that in the future they decided to put all their effort to add Kalos (and maybe the new region from Sun/Moon) to the game, and that would be absolutely amazing :Grin: the game has a lot of potential, but now we should only be patient and wait :)
  7. Hello, my name is andymcnab and I learned about this game when I saw a picture of it on a Facebook group of pokemon. I'm 21 and I'm from Chile :Grin: , I have been able to play this game for like an hour two days ago and I really enjoyed it. I hope the new server gets launched soon, so I can play it and stream my game :). I don't have anything else to say but hello everyone!
  8. I'm really excited for the new server :D, I'm not going to keep playing on red because just like PokemonHero, I'm kinda new to the game, so I don't have anything to loose by moving to the other server :Crazy: After the new server is released, the dev-team should start planning about opening a third server, so in case blue and red are full, and people is still joining you can have the third one to launch right away :Grin:
  9. Desde Chile me gustaría unirme :), mi nombre en el juego es andymcnab. Podrían agregar las banderas de los miembros para hacerlo más divertido :P, jejejeje. Saludos !
  10. First of all I have to say this is an incredible game and I want to see how it grows and progress through time. I've had the chance to play it only for a few hours yesterday but I already love it. Second, I have played Star Wars: The Old Republic, where the player can have his/her own "story mode zone", so like you enter a house, or a place which is important in the main story of your character, that is tagged like "story zone" and you won't see other players inside there, just you and your pokemon. This could make the game look more "clean" and nice to play when you enter your house in Pallet Town, for example, and you see only your mom and not other players around her or in the room, also could be used for Gyms, Oak's Lab, Elite Four, etc. If the idea works then you can add secret bases to the game, or even create secret bases for guilds! :Cool: If I wasn't clear enough please tell me so I can explain myself better. Thank you for reading this :Grin: :thanks:
  11. yeah I understand what you mean, like add more animations to the battles and make it look more like the battles from the games
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