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Everything posted by Frostraven

  1. We're technically 28/50 right now! Keep em applications coming! :)
  2. *cue English accent*, "It's not doritoes, it's doritos."
  3. If people who are viewing this and noticing that none of the replies are being replied to, I actually am getting to them immediately via PM, so it may look like they are being ignored but they're not haha. Please feel free to post and I will get to you asap, or just add any of the leaders in-game :) Cheers! Frostraven
  4. WTB Poison Orb (not Poison Barbs). Please add/msg me in-game or in forum. IGN: Frostraven
  5. *Currently at lv93 Please post offers or you can msg me in-game. Thanks!
  6. hey Shane! Dang it, too bad you're in the Red Server, would love to have you join our guild however we are situated in Blue Server. The feels on the CS major you're taking. Anyways, good luck and hope you found yourself a guild! :)
  7. Heya! We're a growing guild in Blue Server and would love to have some new people join! We're pretty casual and have members ranging from end-game all the way to still completing the 4th gym and such. Unfortunately right now, guilds are mainly for just having an emblem on your head, your own chat channel and of course the fact of being in an exclusive group. Surely the game would have more in store like probably a guild v guild or something. No events planned so far as many of us are working on our own teams for either PvP or just Boss clearing (end-game). Check us out and feel free to reply if it interests you! We also have a Discord channel :) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21975
  8. Hi! We're a growing guild in Blue Server and would love to have some more, new people! We're pretty asual and have guildies ranging from end-game to still starting off with like their 4th gym and we'd love to have you join ours! If it interests you, please feel free to view our recruit post and do a quick post so I can provide you with our Discord channel as well :) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21975
  9. Heya! We're a pretty chill, growing guild that's looking for some guildless, awesome peeps! Check us out and feel free to let me know if you're interested :) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21975
  10. Please post your offers down below. I reserve the right to decline the offer if I feel it is too low. Thanks!
  11. Re: <DoritoSquad> [North America] is now recruiting ACTIVE members! (Blue Server) <r><QUOTE author="ProteinSheikh"><s> </e></QUOTE> Saucin', saucin', I'm saucin' on you<br/> I'm swaggin', I'm swaggin', I'm swaggin' oh ooh<br/> I'm ballin', I'm ballin', Iverson on you<e> </e></QUOTE> When I started ballin' I was youngggggg<br/> You gon' think about me when I'm goneeeeee<br/> I need that money like the ring I never won, I wonnnnn</r>
  12. DoritoSquad (Blue) here! :)
  13. I'm finally able to post links! Yay! I decided to go with Imgur as per your suggestion, thanks again! :D
  14. printscr.com is not a valid address. The address you wanted people to go to is prnt.sc Here are your pictures: am9908 is not a Flygon but a Gengar so that number is wrong. Just helping you out on getting your image onto the sell thread. For future instances I recommend using photobucket.com or imgur.com to upload your photos as they will give you a BBCode for direct copy and past to the forums. Best of luck on selling your Flygon. Thank you Spacemuffin! Yeah the post would've been better if I was able to post links, but because I'm new to the forums, it's not allowing me to post any links so I guess I have to start posting around first. Cheers :)
  15. You can add me in-game (Frostraven) or post offers here. I reserve the right to decline your offer if I find it too little. Thanks!
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