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  1. Really don't get your point here. It's not like any player gets any other advantages over this new mount than having the two different mounts. Plus with it costing twice the amount of a normal mount it's balanced. There's hardly a new advantage given other than convenience.
  2. Bena

    Mixed Sandstorm Team

    Really nice team man.
  3. I think what he is trying to say he he played one morning put his lvl 100 pokemon in his Pokecentre PC logged on later that day after school and it has disappeared.
  4. Bena

    cant log in

    What does it mean by online (timeout)?
  5. Pikachu level 36 with hidden ability, gentle nature and 73 IV. B/O wins
  6. Pikachu Level 36 Hidden Ability with gentle nature and IV 73. Need the price check. Thanks.
  7. I've been playing Pokemon for a while but just learnt about this whole max IV thing and all the hidden ability things due the fact of the multifarious of new players and trades going on that are noticeable. I know how to check the ABILITY in the little thing but how do I know if it it's a hidden one? Thanks.
  8. Welcome dude. Hope you have fun on PRO.
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