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Everything posted by Kanmuruu

  1. Don't mind the hulk, lul.
  2. This is going to get locked lol
  3. woow thank you :) this is what i've been looking for, Np bro! Glad to help
  4. Try doing this. Press F2, then type in "Staffview 1" in the console.
  5. Please PM me for further info.
  6. Pretty good concept, reminds me of the original games. I think someone already have suggested this. I think the staff are currently focused on adding new moves atm and like the auction house but I do like this. :y:
  7. Hello! Goodluck on your journey
  8. I'm pretty sure that dig spot doesn't refresh.
  9. Would look cool honestly, and it encourages people to have good behavior.
  10. I think you should reconsider the 3rd one, you don't have to put an "Unlike" thingy button only positive ones. Could be similar to how games like CS:GO have a reputation system. You can only commend for: 1. Good teacher 2. Good leader 3. Friendly Of course these could be changed but like you said there is no need for a down vote button. Exactly. This is a pretty good idea.
  11. I think you should reconsider the 3rd one, you don't have to put an "Unlike" thingy button only positive ones.
  12. Hope they add the Auction House and Hoenn soon, lol.
  13. Re: Emailing?! <r>I've suggested this, I'm glad they finally made this. Awesome <E>:y:</E></r>
  14. It doesn't lose moves since there is an NPC called "Move buffet"
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