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Everything posted by Blackburn009

  1. Keep up the good work Shane (and the rest of the team!) Hopefully I can win a switch this time but if not at least I've got some PRO to play :)
  2. I've been playing for a year and have won 0 prizes, time to win a switch pls? P.s. keep up the good work :thanks: :y:
  3. Re: Blackburn009's Shop - Currently restocking <t>some new pokemon now in stock</t>
  4. 1. What's your PRO nickname & how old are you? Blackburn009, 20 years old 2. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 750 hours, 24 badges 3. What is your ingame hobby? Hunting the very best pokemon the server has ever seen (lax gible all day) 4. Why would you like to be a Karp? Because Nightjay told me to, and because I need people to talk to while looking for impossible to find pokemon (e.g. non-lax gible) 5. Are you able to visit our Discord server? Yes 6. Is English your primary/secondary language? Primary
  5. Re: Blackburn009's Shop - Good Pokemon - Adamant gale wings Talonflame 400k b.o. <t>No insta on talonflame atm</t>
  6. Re: Blackburn009's Shop - Good Pokemon - Timid hp fire magnezone, 30 spd 30 spatk 250k b.o. <t>All offers have been updated</t>
  7. Re: Blackburn009's Shop - Good Pokemon - Timid hp fire magnezone, max spd max spatk <t>I'll accept bid for magnezone, talonflame bid is way too low looking for at least 200k starting offer</t>
  8. I think I've found out how the spawn rarity dump works. This could just be my luck or just my bias towards wanting to be correct, but from what I can see it seems that the dump is in alphabetical order, and the pokedex is in reverse alphabetical order.
  9. Re: Blackburn009's Shop - Timid Clone Charmander <r><SIZE size="150"><s></s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Sold Pokemon<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE><br/> <br/> <br/> Clone Charmander<br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/2cdeab0293ebbc059d498b1a5cfde382.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> Sold 800k<br/> <br/> Talonflame<br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/1157c8992e828acd2768eda314c28d40.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> Adamant Gale wings<br/> sold for 400k<br/> <br/> Tangela, bold regenerator<br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/c22ec6397e9f84da69a12a84ee040e4a.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> sold for 300k<br/> <br/> Carvanha adamant speed boost<br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/dad94e78a634396ddffd1e62759b2aad.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> Sold for 50k</r>
  10. [glow=red]Blackburn009's Shop[/glow] Rules: No fake offers Make b.o. reasonably higher than the previous b.o. All prices are negotiable No trades, poke dollars only. auctions end 24h after acceptable b.o. [glow=green]Level 100 pokemon[/glow] Movesets can be changed at request, as some haven't been changed since training naive dragonite 450k insta [glow=orange]Untrained pokemon[/glow] Nidoran F, h.a. epic bulk 31/31/29 impish bo: none yet Nidoran M, h.a. timid 28 speed 20 special attack bo: none yet More Pokemon coming soon
  11. I assume the rarity list is in the same order as the pokedex so this could change how I hunt. If it's the same order as pokedex then moon is better for togepi than love island which is interesting I'll try test as much as possible though since it could be in some sort of order by region and love island is better, I'll see how my togepi moon hunting goes and report back, maybe we can convince you to leave love island one day
  12. IGN: Blackburn009 I would love this mouse because I have used trackpad for gaming all my life, which is the only reason I'm not challenger in League of Legends (and I am instead stuck in bronze) It's also my birthday on the 16th so you don't have to get me anything else for my birthday
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