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Everything posted by Matrique

  1. I played pokemon games since the first one,but never finished one :Smile: .And now that i found this one i would like to finish it for the first time.And becouse is an online one, better.I don't have any friends playing or likeing pokemon, so i'm here to ask for your friendship ingame and have a great time together. :Shy: My nickname in game is : Matrique I'll see you all in the game!! Good luck and have fun my fellow pokemon trainers!!
  2. Matrique


    Re: Guild "América" (Idioma: Español) <t>Me gustaria entrar en su grupo.Me llamo Marian.Tengo 24(hombre).Y me gusta Pokemon porque...son los animes de toda la vida.No soy tan bueno en el juego.He jugao casi todos los juegos de pokemon que existen,pero no hasta el fin.Falta de tiempo algunas vecez,o falta de motivacion al nivel alto :)).<br/> Espero un mensaje.Muchas gracias y un saludo!Suerte!</t>
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