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About Shrimpified

  • Birthday 09/26/2002

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  1. Thank you the escape rope worked!
  2. Surfed along Vermillion City and entered a new area, became stuck in trees. Please help.
  3. So i was surfing on my mount, and surfed in the space next to the edge of vermillion city and when the new area loaded i became stuck. is there a way for me to become unstuck?
  4. Everyone has to do that?
  5. So i have gotten to the point where i can fight emerald but when i first talked to him i selected the option which asked him if he searched the area completely and not fighting. That made me unable to fight because he says he is too tired to fight. I log off in the same location and log on 24 hours later and he still won't fight. Anyone know what is wrong?
  6. No its just something within the code of the game. Connection lost happens a lot. I would recommend Gold server
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