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Everything posted by Saylem

  1. Can you please de-level my Gabite to a level 98 instead of 99 so I can evolve it. I couldn't faint it to prompt the evolve skill and picked too weak of a gym. I'm so sorry this has been very frustrating. In-game name: Saylem Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 35430589
  2. Hi, me again. I logged in to a level 99 Gabite like I requested. However, when I clicked on a rare candy to evolve him to a level 100 Garchomp, it did not prompt it to evolve. Is this a bug or do I need him to be level 98 to prompt the evolution? In-game name: Saylem Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 35430589
  3. I wasn't sure where to post this, but I failed to beat Professor Pluton (with Saturn and Mars) to save Birch and unlock Sinnoh region. Now they have all disappeared and I cannot re-challenge them. Is there another way for me to unlock Sinnoh, or am I stuck forever?
  4. In-game name: Saylem Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 35430589 Accidentally denied an evolution for my Gabite and I cannot evolve him into a Garchomp. Please de-level him so I can do it right this time. hah, sorry and thank you!
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