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  1. Auction Details Starting offer: 800k Minimum bid: 50k No insta End point: 72h time is start when get first bid Accepted payment Pokedollars Coin capsule: 400k Reroll ticket: 500k
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  2. I will not sell it for funny figures like 100k or 200k. I'm waiting for good bidders.
  3. takuta 16-24 çalışıyom bro yeni gördüm sabah 15 e kadar oyunda olcam bilgin olsun geldiğinde arkadaş eklersen takası gerçekleştiririz
  4. I think this needs to be done very quickly. It makes the game both playable and it will be easy to earn money and trade for new friends.
  6. ign:Thesehsade yaş 31 discord: kullanmıyorum oyunda hergün aktifim.
  7. bende türk bir clan arıyorum goldtayım.
  8. Sorry man I missed this, I didn't see it
  9. First of all, hello. As for my suggestion, I imagined an in-game market where you can sell and buy various in-game items for Pokemon, along with an NPC or an additional area. The current state of the game is quite nice, but it is very difficult to find a Pokemon with the features we want, neither buying nor selling. In the same way, you can avoid having to research the price of Pokemon while selling and such nonsense. For example, I have a Clerify, let's say it is bold and magic guard, its defense speed and hpsi are 31. I want to sell a pokemon like this. By entering the name and details in the search field, I can query whether a similar or similar one is for sale and how much it costs, and I can price it accordingly. I would love to see this type of barter mechanic introduced. It is a feature that can be very useful for both new and old players.
  10. First of all, hello. I'm new to the game and don't know much about pricing. I request pricing for the attached Pokemon. If there is one you like, you can buy it.
  11. We can close the topic then, you really gave a sufficient and descriptive answer. I sincerely thank you. I am very attached to Pokemon as I have been a fan of them since my childhood. Since the game we are currently playing is a game about Pokemon, I can enjoy playing it for hours without getting up. Thanks again for everything. I hope you have a pleasant and beautiful day. Kind regards.
  12. Oyuna yeni başladım. Kafamda çok fazla soru biriktirdim. 1. Doğası ne olursa olsun, yalnızca IV iyi olan bir Pokemon'u kullanmak ne kadar doğrudur? 2. Özel saldırı tipi pokemon (gengar-gyrados) için hangi doğa seçilmelidir? 3. Savunma odaklı bir Clefable yapmak istiyorum. Doğa ve IV ne olmalı ? 4. Bir Pokémon'u yakalamadan önce gerçekten iyi olup olmadığını anlamanın bir yolu var mı? Oyunu daha çok oynayan profesyonel oyunculardan detaylı bir açıklama istiyorum. Oyunu Hoenn E4'e kadar tamamladım. Desteğiniz ve paylaştığınız bilgiler için şimdiden çok teşekkür ederiz. Şans ve mutluluk sizinle olsun. ŞEHZADE
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