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Everything posted by Clumsygirl

  1. i can start ursaluna 200k?
  2. Welcome at Clumsygirl's auction s.o 1,5m payments: cc: 500k, iv reroll: 530k, or $$ Min raise: 100k Auction time: 24h after s.o has been made. if someone in gold wins the auction i am able to transfer but i rather have you to transfer to silver. Fake offers will be reported.
  3. Hi.. I don't really know what I'm getting a warning for? I'm allowed to discuss with someone who's going to transfer, right? We've already agreed that I'm going to transfer today. So I don't think this warning is fair. My auction rule also states that if the other person can't transfer, I'm going to transfer..
  4. If you didnt transfer this month please transfer to silver as i suggested in my auction rules. I can help you explain how to transfer it will only take a minute and its free
  5. Im currently not able to come online. Please be patient. I can come online in 1hour. The mount is on silver. Are you able to transfer? Or are you already in silver.
  6. Hello, Congratz on your win for raging bolt mount, tell me when your ready to do the trade.
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