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Gamerciro's Achievements



  1. IGN (Ingame Name): GamerCiro Hours Played (You don't need a lot, we just ask to get a feel for how new you are): idk hours. 4 badges in kanto for now Favourite Pokemon? (This is just a fun question!): Togep!!i Discord Name (If you don't have Discord that's alright too.): Gamerciro#0723
  2. Hiya! I would like to join! What's your IGN? GamerCiro How many hours do you have in PRO? 5hr+ Could be more if the server stops crashing xD Do you have discord? (Let us know your name and # so we can contact you.) GamerCiro#0723 How far are you in story? Kanto with 1 Badge How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) Daily! Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? PvE! (except NPC) Why do you want to join Calamity guild? Would like to have a fun guild to have more fun together rather than solo! Thanks for your consideration!! See ya in game!<3
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