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  1. @Ozmon93 Are you available ?
  2. Are you available @Dragonplayers?
  3. Congrats Leeluckya you won, It will be difficult for me to connect this evening, if you're ok, we can make te sale tomorrow
  4. Current B.O 2.3m by Leeluckya . 10mn left
  5. Bump. Current b.o 200k by Lacomus. 4,45 hours left
  6. Bump, current b.o 300k by DragonPlayers . 5,30 hours left
  7. Bump, almost 6 hours left , current b.o 2m by Weaponsx
  8. Current best offer is 1.8m by Leeluckya
  9. Hello Start : 200k Min bid : 100k Insta : None Auction end 48 hrs after first bid accept money,cc for 400k and rc for 7k
  10. Hello Start : 200k Min bid : 100k Insta : None Auction end 48 hrs after first bid accept money,cc for 400k and rc for 7k
  11. Hello Start : 500k Min bid : 100k Insta : None Auction end 48 hrs after first bid accept money,cc for 400k and rc for 7k
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