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Everything posted by Twetty

  1. Yes i try it @supertrainers Ok ty for answer, have a nice holiday! see in game @Midsommar
  2. hello, i recived 10 pve coins in my accout (twetty1898), but my PVE coins didn't increase, i must wait some days or this is a bug ?
  3. current offer 550k, time left 5h about, insta added
  4. Ty for help:)
  5. Start 500k Min bid 50k Insta 1m Time left 24h
  6. can we change volcanion summer form into a normal form?
  7. when i open client, i read this error, can someone help me?
  8. Acederkiller withdraw già offer, is ok? @Hawluchaa
  9. Courrent offer 1m Min bid 100k Insta 2m Time left 24h
  10. Start 1m Min bid 100k Insta 4m Time left 84h After start
  11. ty for the info bro ^^
  12. I evolved 2 Rockruff, one in Lycanroc day form and other in Lycanroc midnight form. How can i evolve Rockruff in Lycanroc dusk/morning form?
  13. ~26h left, corrente offer 350k
  14. Start offer 100k Min bid 50k Insta 600k Time left 2 days
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