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  1. hi all sorry but during my fight with this boss server crash and now i have to w8 2 days. can you reset thi culdown time pls? ty so much
  2. me too have same problem... if its possible i vant the Vampire clothes . ingame i'm Ziotia in blu server
  3. Can someone say me something abiti mine gyarados lvl 100 ? Ti was eliminated 28 sept and up you can see my post but nobody answer me ... Thank you soo much
  4. hi i have just delated my Pokemon gyarados lvl 100 can i have it back please . blu server my fault sorry
  5. sorry, for my error i have just eliminated my gyarados lvl 100 can i have it back ??? help me please
  6. hi, is 2 month that i try to fight with chuck in Golds Gym - Saffron City but he say me tha i have to weate for 14 days can you solve this problem thank you
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