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Posts posted by Johnnncarlo

  1. I play on GOLD SERVER

    Hi, can you please return this pokemon to me please? Yesterday i lend 2 of my pokemons to this guy to help him finish it, now the problem occured when after the countdown timer finishes only my slowbro was returned and the chansey was left on his storage, i asked him to send a screenshot of my poke in his inventory as you can see there are 4 images there, one is the lending happened yesterday, the other pic is the proof that he send it go me via discord and the other 2 images is the sceeenshot of him and my pokemon, he cannot return it because he just started playing johto and he cannot get my chansey to his team because he doesnt have 8th badge yet, please help me with this and return my poke, thanks.

    This is the link of my previous report and it is connected with this comment i made here today



    Chansey should be back to your account, have a check - Incarnate





  2. Hi everyone, Earlier this morning in Philippine time i lended 2 pokemons for 1hr, only 1 pokemon is returned to my inventory, after my transaction, I became offline for 1 hour and only slowbro return to my pc then i fall asleep, and after several hours the chansey didn't return please help me with this issue please, here is the screenshot of my transaction earlier






  3. Hi everyone, Earlier this morning in Philippine time i lended 2 pokemons for 1hr, only 1 pokemon is returned to my inventory, after my transaction, I became offline for 1 hour and only slowbro return to my pc then i fall asleep, and after several hours the chansey didn't return please help me with this issue please, here is the screenshot of my transaction earlier,






    and here is the screenshot of the missing chansey



  4. Hi everyone, I'm experiencing this problem in my Xiaomi mi 9, i can't install the package of your apk, i tried downloading using my Samsung S9+ i successfully instaled it but when i tried using my Mi 9 the APK cannot be installed, maybe there are problem on the final release? or the API level is not compatible? I hope some staff can help me, thanks.



  5. Hi, I just noticed this bug, this happened to me almost 3 times with different players, I added someone and he accepted it after I re-login, he told me that I'm on his friendslist but his name isn't listed on my friendslist, i also added different now the scenario is different, He's on my friendslist but im no longer listed on his list we didn't press friend button again because it will unfriend the person we added, i hope this will be fixed soon.

  6. Good day developers,


    I don't know if you could ever notice this, I suggest that the PRO mobile app screen orientation should not be locked on the left side of the screen, we the mobile players would find this very useful and comfortable if the application rotates when you tilt your phone left or right, some of us are having hard time on playing especially when charging, I myself is struggling when I play this game while charging because my charging port is located below the screen of my phone and the AC Socket is at left side of the room, I hope that someday the PRO mobile app will no longer restrict the screen orientatiom, thanks devs.

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