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Everything posted by Hinniko

  1. I would love a Super Monkey Ball mount. A regular mount, not a surf mount, but if surf mount sounds good too, I don't mind. I thought it would be a nice addition to the collection of mounts available. I was thinking of a regular walk animation, but sped up frames, while using it. It might look funny, but drawing a jog animation sounds like hard work. The crazy stuff the monkey does in the ball sounds pretty hard too, but if added, that would be pretty epic. Thank you for reading, I understand if this suggestion gets declined or ignored. Have a lovely day.
  2. There was a server crash, joined after, stuck. IGN: Hinniko, H i n n i k o Thank you ^_^
  3. Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to join team magma for obvious purposes Kappa. IGN is Hinniko! That was H i n n i k o. Thank you!
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