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About Mirkotidus91

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  1. fire: charmender water :totodile grass : snivy
  2. Ho , Yesterday i've tried to go Battle boss nikola cause i losed the opportunity years ago ti cartch celeby, and nothing....he Say "fighing me now Will not be of use "....release regirock and vulcanion , tried another time and nothing....the same thing....nothing start and nothing spawn.....can resolve this bug ?
  3. was a problem of all the server not of my internet connection or mine issues...so can't refund nothing??? what protocol of rule is ? for a your problem we have to lose item and other things??? isnt correct because we spend eur for buy coin and shop in the game...if is this the rule on this game here , i will leave because isnt the first time then happen that and i wanna be tutelated when spend money . so we have to say only "bye".
  4. i was fighting lorelei in medium level, at the 00:20am of the 08/10/2019, when i choose garchomp ( have got mew and another poke full) for kill whit last move the lorelei's poke and ...crash server....losed the fight . boss cd restarted and losed the item ( revival herb ,max potion etc etc) 50 unit used in combat.... what i've to do? everytime happen this.... in this month has happened 3 times ( brock , boss and lorelei..)im tired now.
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