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Everything posted by Mitchxcv

  1. Name Change Username: Mitch95 New Username: MitchXCV
  2. new c.o 1.1m by Lilithasami
  3. starting bid: 600k by Linkondanab
  4. c.o: 1.4m by Kiles100 Insta: none Ends 24 hours after the first bid. - ending later as the server went down. Message me in game: Mitch95, if you'd like. Thanks
  5. I bought 2 EXP boosts before the recent update, I used one and it ran out this morning, I went to use the other one and it's gone, searched for it throughout the bag and I can't see it anywhere? Any ideas Mods?
  6. I'm at vermillion trading atm if you can make it there
  7. Yeah i'll accept that, i'm on right now if you'd like to trade :)
  8. Updated Starting bid for Aerodactyl Sold Bisharp 2 for 600k
  9. c.o updated, auction will end tomorrow, thank you
  10. Hello and welcome to my shop, here I have a bunch of PvP ready, Untrained and Special Pokemon pretty much all caught by me. Rules: - Once the starting bid has begun the auction will go for 1 or 2 days, depending on what works best for me to finish the auction. - If there isn't an instant price, offer what you feel right and I might accept if it's reasonable. - CC = 300k, although I prefer Money. Not interested in trading. - On the untrained pokemon, leave any offer and if it's acceptable, I'll reply. - Happy Bidding : ) [spoiler=Level 100s] Max Speed Togekiss SOLD 900k Will be Conkeldurr after being traded Start: 300k Insta: 750k SOLD: 750k Umbreon Start: 300k Insta: 600k Noivern Start: 200k Insta: 500k Forretress Start: 150k c.o 200k by yakuzah Insta: 425k SOLD: 425k Conkeldurr 2 Start: 250k Insta: 550k (Speed EVs have been changed to HP) Max Speed Aerodactyl Start: 200k Insta: 650k SOLD: 650K Max Speed H.A Staraptor Start: 300k Insta: n/a Bisharp Start: 300k Insta: 750k SOLD: 350k Lucario Start: 150k Insta: 375k Bisharp 2 Start: 250k Insta: 600k SOLD: 600k Delphox Start: 250k Insta: n/a Breloom Start: 100k Insta: 325k [spoiler=Untrained] Pawniard Insta: 125k Ferroseed 50k Aerodactyl Insta: 75k SOLD 75k Togepi Max Speed 125k Togepi 2 Insta: 150k SOLD: 150k Togetic Insta: 135k Swinub H.A Insta: 100k Ferroseed 2 Insta: 75k Togepi 3 Insta: 100k Togetic 2 Insta: 75k Togetic 3 Insta: 60k Timburr Insta: 50k Drilbur Insta: 60k Tentacool 1 Insta: 75k Tentacool 2 Insta: 75k Tentacool 3 Instat: 50k Larvesta Insta: 50k Drilbur 2 Insta: 50k Riolu Insta: 50k SOLD: 50k Tentacool 4 H.A Insta: 80k Riolu 2 Insta: 50k Tentacool 5 Insta: 75k Gastly rip Insta: 50k Tentacool 6 Insta: 70k Swinub 2 H.A Insta: 50k Shinx 1 Insta: 60k Shinx 2 Insta: 50k Tentacool 7 Insta: 70k Tentacool 8 Insta: 50k Tentacool 9 Insta: 70k Clefairy 1 Insta: 75k Clefairy 2 Insta: 65k Clefairy 3 Insta: 50k Magikarp 1 H.A Insta: 50k Magikarp 2 H.A 50k Starly H.A Insta: 60k Starly 2 H.A 60k Croagunk Insta: 80k [spoiler=Specials] Blue Togepi SOLD 350k Blue Togepi 2 SOLD 350K Thank you : )
  11. c.o 700k by Cayini. Auction ends 12pm (BST) 30/10/2018
  12. Start: 700k Insta: 1.65m C.O: 825k by deathfrombelow Min raise: 25k Auction ends: 11pm 30/10/18 Bidding finishes 48hours after 1st bid (or I will set a reasonable time to end the auction) I will post any updates in bids when they are received. Any questions, feel free to add me: Mitch95 Thanks
  13. [uSER=417711]thienbaokho11[/uSER] won, add me in game or pm me here at a time you're on :)
  14. 30minutes left
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