To summarize this, am I able to use this games map design/layout and partial title "Pokemon Revolution" for a Minecraft Custom (Adventure) Map?
I have been wanting to make a Pixelmon Custom (Adventure) Map on Minecraft and upload it as a project for Planet Minecraft. However, I want to use the map design/layout of PRO (Pokemon Revolution Online) and some of the other features. I have been inspired by this game ever since I started playing it, and I think this game would be perfect as a crossover to a Minecraft Custom Map. As I know this game isn't trademarked (I don't think), I still want to ask if it is alright to crossover this game to Minecraft and use the title "Pokemon Revolution". I do not intend on making any profit from this map, but just as a fun project that others can play on for Minecraft, I will even be shouting out this game either way because like I said, it has inspired me to go after making this project.